Selasa, 27 November 2012

Create Dragon Tattoos Design

Dragon is a mythological beast, whose appearance in different cultures and parts of the world does not mean in any case the same symbolism.

They say the more virulent than European dragons Oriental. So like. They are powerful creatures that can fly and breathe fire. They usually have four legs, sometimes horns and, of course, their dimensions exceed the limits of any known. However, despite their crimes, these creatures are also bearers of values ​​such as intelligence, intelligence strength, and mental sharpness. In European legend that most all of these features allow the dragon to maintain the place where the treasure and the princess. For the Greeks dragon creature from hell, and a dark shadowy beings who will die. For Germany also represents the dragon beast treacherous, greedy and selfish. In every Western culture ever made reference to crimes and atrocities our dragons. But this does not mean that a tattoo is something negative that reason, because each must choose what best suits your taste and personality. After tatuarnos dragon type, we just have to think what the connotation that we provide and may stick with those values ​​intelligence and wisdom that every dragon brings.

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